Sunday, December 2, 2007

1898 Obscene Language Baseball Document

This delightful document is not directly connected with either the northwest or digital history, but needs to be shared. I found it via this post at Metafilter, where a vigorous discussion about the authenticity ensued. Miko, a member of that site, uncovered numerous contemporary reports of an anti-cussing campaign so apparently the document is genuine.

Baseball was a popular entertainment in the Inland Northwest at the same time period. Soldiers seem to have been the most avid players of the game, and a search of the Historical Newspapers in Washington collection turns up a dozen or more stories about the game in the Spokane area in the 1880s. On July 14, 1881 the Spokan Times announced that "A base ball club is being organized in the city. A Meeting of Those interested will be held this evening at Red Handed Mike's castle."

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